Our Story at PVLC

Our church has a rich history. Since the beginning, we have benefitted from many people who have come before us and sacrificially given their time, talent and resources for the generations to come.

One of our core values at Piedmont Valley Lutheran (PVLC) is fellowship. We are not Christians alone but go the path together.

We enjoy spending a weekend camping together or going on trips to deepen relationship and learn more about our faith.

PVLC members take trip to Germany to tour the path of Martin Luther in 2015.
PVLC Weekend at Wolf Camp – Relaxing with a few outdoor games
PVLC members ATVing together in the backcountry
PVLC send duffle bags full of items to Cameroon – including sewing kits to help Cameroon make their own sewing businesses and laptops to help healthcare workers in the field.
One of the small herder boys shows his shoulder lunch bag made by the PVLC sewing group.  He can now carry this lunch when he is out all day with the sheep or cows.
Residence of the leprosy community receive PVLC sewing kits, sheep herder shoulder lunch bags, and Thrivent t-shirts.
Donna delivers to a Cameroon women a gift of sewing supplies from the PVLC Sewing Group. She is a single mom of three kids trying to survive with a sewing business. This gift of threads and a sewing machine gave her a new life.
Shirley Johnson donated a travel LED projector for the Cameroon nurses to education patients and staff. This compact LED projected was very needed to reach the outlying communities of Cameroon, Africa. Donna Wright returns with a thank you gift of a wood carving from the Cameroon Nurses for Shirley Johnson.
Outreach healthcare team of the Lutheran Hospital of Cameroon (OSEELC) doing care and education in the rural areas.